If I Die Young..
If I die young, I don’t expect anyone cry for me. I want my friends and family celebrate their life more. I want my death is a gentle reminder for them that life can be so short so it’s worth to celebrate for every minute of it. I want them to be happy for me that I live a wonderful life and when death takes it, I have nothing to regret.
If I die young, I hope I left nothing but a meaningful memory for the people I have met in this life. I hope if by any chance I hurt them, they could have open heart to forgive me. I know it sounds selfish, I want to set them free from hatred.
If I die young, I want you to remember.. that there’s no certain way to live this life. You can follow any direction you want, but I hope you are being faithful for whatever you take.
If I die young, I want you to continue life.. and I hope my death doesn’t bring any pain or sorrow. I hope you could let me go..
If I die young, I don’t expect you to travel to visit my funeral. I prefer you spend your money for something else that could bring you joy. I died anyway, we can’t chit chat..
If I die young, I am forever grateful to have you in my short life.. and I hope you are grateful to have me too..