Stop comparing.
And live a happy life.
(Source of image: pinterest)
When I was a toddler, people arround me compared my first time to start walking with other kids. When I started went to school, my mum and other parents compared our my ability to follow the lessons at school. And sadly, I also compared myself with others, especially by how high grade that we got during school. When I finally finished all the school thing and went to the university, people arround me, including me compared how prestigious university that we attended or the major that we took. And in university, comparison still going. We start to compare our GPA, how many achievements that we got, etc. Is that really comparison is human nature? People seems like compare everything..
And social media is a perfect platform for people to compare themselves to another and also compare others life. They put their perfect life in a perfect picture. And other will compare their life to another, based on picture.. based on what they posted in social media.
Comparison is never ending job and it might kills your joy. As I grow up, meet an old friend is a comparison day, sometimes. They start to question how much salary that you got. Then compared it. And end up with a conclusion, “the more salary that you get, the happier you’ll be”. And sometimes, it’s wrong! Totally.
Why we really love to compare? Why dont focus with your business. Life is not always a competition with others. You don’t have to compare yourself with anyone else to prove you are right or wrong, win or lose. The only real competition and comparison is within you. Between who you were yesterday and who you are today.
Just stop comparing yourself. And begin a happy life to live. Let society do their job to compare everything, but don’t be fool to get into it.
Ps: if you found some grammatical errors just let me know, I am still learning to write in English regularly and I hope I can better day by day ❤️