What’s Inside Your Mind is Important
I used to be impressed by appearance, but as I grow up it’s no longer important. Just like the title above, what’s matter is the mind. A person can be very attractive, interesting or very annoying driven by what’s in his or her mind. A good thinking process will produce a good action, in this case might result on how a person behave.
I personally value people by their way of thinking, how they define their value and how they manage all those things into action. It’s always fun being around a person who gives you new knowledge, who can helps you makes better judgment and be a good thinking partner. I label this kind of person as beautiful-mind person. I am not saying that this kind of person is flawless or never made a fault. This kind of person often makes mistakes.. a lot of mistakes, but what the difference is the ability to learn from the mistake and avoid to make the same one.
Mind is a garden, we need to nurture and take care of it to make it better. A beautiful mind equals to a beautiful life. Before invest to anything else, first, need to invest on our mind and thinking. Read books, watch documentaries, subscribe a good blog and choose your surroundings.